This website has been prepared without consideration of your particular objectives, financial situations and needs. In all cases, you should conduct your own investigations and analysis of the information contained in this publication. Given the complexity of taxation legislation, individual circumstances may produce particular results. If you are an employee of an organisation and are considering salary packaging a vehicle, you should seek your own professional advise in relation to the income tax, fringe benefits tax, goods and services tax, stamp duty and legal and accounting implications of the chosen form of finance. This disclaimer does not limit or alter your statutory rights, which cannot be excluded. Lease Express Pty Ltd ACN 098 169 665.
Lease Express acts as an independent intermediary to; a) arrange finance with respect to acquiring motor vehicles b) arrange for the purchase of motor vehicles c) arrange motor vehicle insurance d) provide ongoing fleet management services. For the provision of services it may receive the following: a) a commission or brokerage from the financial institution which has agreed to provide finance b) a commission or fee from the trader, manufacturer or importer of motor vehicles c) a commission or fee from Insurance products d) a service fee for fleet management as agreed.